Ag Engineering

 Agricultural Fabrication and Biosystems Engineering Syllabus

Instructor/Contact Information:

Mr. Harrison

Room: Ag Shop

Office Hours: 8:00-9:00

Phone: (423) 636-3790 ext. 8010


Course Information:

Prerequisites: Agriscience, Ag Mechanics, Ag Power & Equipment,

Required Material: 1-inch binder, writing utensil, notebook paper, and computers. Closed-Toed Shoes, and Pants.


Course Description: Agricultural Fabrication and Biosystems Engineering is an applied course that prepares students for further study or careers in engineering, environmental science, agricultural design and research, and agricultural mechanics and fabrication. Special emphasis is given to the many modern applications of geographic information systems (GIS) and global positioning systems (GPS) to achieve various agricultural goals. Upon completion of this course, proficient students will be able to pursue advanced training in agricultural engineering, industrial, mechanical and related fields at a postsecondary institution.

Course Goals: 

  • Prepare students for employment in an agricultural career
  • Prepare students for entry into postsecondary programs in agriculture mechanical fields
  • Develop life and employability skills essential for successful employment
  • Develop skills needed to fulfill occupational, social, and civic responsibilities


Tentative Topics:

General Safety 

 Careers in Agriculture


 Project Management

      Engine and Motor Mechanics


Irrigation and Drainage

Agricultural Structures

Agricultural Metalworking


Course Policies:


Textbooks are limited, so homework will be given by handout or Canvas.


Cell Phones/Headphones: 

When you come to class, turn your cell phone and headphones into the basket hanging on the door next to my desk. Cell phones should be turned off and silenced.



You will be required to participate in labs and may be asked to go outside at any given time, so keep closed toe shoes on you in preparation. You will be notified at 2 days in advance of labs to participate. Sandals and open toe shoes are not acceptable.



I realize there are extenuating circumstances that may require a student to be absent on the day of a test. In the case that you must miss the test, please see me PRIOR to the day of the test. IF you are sick or an emergency arises that causes you to not notify me, I will need proof the next class period you return. Any make-up exam will not be the same as the original exam.